Amanda Todd Nude Videos Uncensored
On receiving the text message, her mother called an anti-abuse phone line. Todd then called the counsellor who had spoken to her a month earlier. This time she said she knew it was her daughters in the video. She told Todd her grandfather had died a month earlier and she said she could have sex with others like him if she wanted. When the counsellor tried to take down the images, she received a message from Coban to "just delete it, you know I'm so stupid."
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Amanda Todd's parents have said that she was not yet dating the man, though they had been communicating with her by phone. As a result, they were not aware that they were speaking to a predator. They said that she had told them that she was in talks with someone to go to the Dominican Republic to visit her sister.
Saulnier said there were other possible explanations. He suggested that Todd had become the target of stalkers. He suggested that she had been online looking for a sexual partner. He suggested she had been online just for the attention.
That would prove difficult to prove, Saulnier told the court, because of the inconsistent, evolving Facebook profiles of the woman described by the Crown as the recipient of the intimate photographs and videos.
a year and a half ago, when amanda was still in school, rosenfeld first wrote to coban. his note was largely addressed to coban's employers, asking that they help him keep coban's name out of the public eye.
in the facebook account uncovered by crown, amanda posted a picture of her smiling in a swimming pool, with the caption: i love swimming and included a link to a video on her own youtube account that detailed her treatment at the hands of coban.