Best Of NCS Music Most Viewed Song - @NoCopyrightSounds UPD
The piano sheet music and audio are composed in a way that exactly matches the sounds of the original track outside the drops. In all of these instances, the melody consists of repeating notes, whereas the accompaniment consists of arpeggios ("broken chords") that span greater than an octave (most commonly a tenth). The notes of the melodies heard outside the drops sound staccato ("detached" or "shortened" in length). However, they do reach tenuto ("held" or "sustained" for full length) at some points.
Best of NCS music most viewed song - @NoCopyrightSounds
Billy Woodford created the NoCopyrightSounds channel on August 14, 2011, because he wanted to promote copyright-free music for YouTubers to use in their videos without needing to worry about dealing with copyright. On the same day, Violin DnB was uploaded as the very first NoCopyrightSounds song. It used the very first layout, the XD face layout; and in Violin DnB, it was colored pink to represent its genre, Drum & Bass.
NCS tested a new layout on May 20, 2012 with their upload of Frag Out. It was the first upload to feature a visualizer; it was in the form of audio bars on both the left and right sides. The circle with the logo inside it was slightly modified. After Frag Out was uploaded, only three more songs were uploaded with the previous layout, the last being Onaroll by Mac Miller & Pharrell. NCS then modified the sidebars visualizer to show the name of the song, as well as make the bars thinner. Frag Out eventually became the most popular upload from 2012.
On March 17, 2017, four years after it was released, Nova was set to private because Ahrix did not renew his contract with NCS. It was later deleted in 2020. This is the only known song that was removed due to an expired contract. Upon its removal, My Heart became the new most popular song from 2013. 041b061a72