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Download File Fantasy Forest Environment V2.2.rar

David REVOY Author, 19 june 2019, 14:06 - Reply Hi Eric; I'll check. The source were indeed hosted when I previously used Github (I moved all my active repository to the Gitlab instance of Framasoft -Framagit- almost two years ago, but the brush project is not that active since I merged them in Krita 4.x code now and they became official).Probably Github changed policy but I checked and everything is still alright at the URL of the source file: -krita-brushpresets/releases/tag/8.2 (even in a private windows or using a VPN) I can download the ZIP and unzip without being asked for a subscription. Be sure your unzip software or your browser if you are on Windows or Mac is not compromised by a virus. I'm using Firefox on Linux and no issue here.

Download File Fantasy Forest Environment v2.2.rar

Siegfried 22 november 2016, 04:52 - Reply Technology is not my strong suit, I downloaded your file, it is a .zip file. I can't open it in Krita because it isn't a BUNDLE file. Is there any way I can convert it to a BUNDLE file or do something to open the brush pack?

Kacper 09 december 2016, 20:56 - Reply Wtf, how do I download this? I downloaded the zip file from the site you linked and when I tried importing into krita, it didn't work. It just opened the folder, and then I tried importing the folders inside the main folder, it just opened them, pls help.

Eric 06 january 2017, 04:10 - Reply Hi David, I just posted a comment that I downloaded the latest version 8.1 and am attempting to import it into Krita v3.1.1 but it's not finding any files after I unzip it. Thank you

David REVOY Author, 06 january 2017, 04:24 - Reply Hi Eric. I assume you downloaded the source file ( because you said it's a zip ) . The file you need is a *.bundle file and it's compatible with Krita 3.1.1 ; read again the page, all instruction are written correctly as far as I know.

Eric 06 january 2017, 04:45 - Reply David I figured out a workaround, as a suggestion for anyone else that runs into this issue: click on the download "deevad-v8-1.bundle, save as, change "save as type" from .zip to "all files". Change the defaulted .zip extension to .bundle. WORKED!! :)

Eric 06 january 2017, 04:08 - Reply Hi is this compatible with Krita v 3.1.1? I downloaded and unzipped the file but when attempting to import, it doesn't find any file to open. Thank you.

David REVOY Author, 06 january 2017, 04:26 - Reply Hi Eric. I assume you downloaded the source file ( because you said it's a zip ) .The file you need is a *.bundle file and it's compatible with Krita 3.1.1 ; read again the page, all instruction are written correctly as far as I know.

Michael Ivarsson 01 march 2017, 22:06 - Reply not having any luck with the brush bundle installation..Let us get this straight, is the deevad-v8-1.bundle the only file needed right?and where is the info on where to save or extract the bundle, where does it need to be...somewhere down the line in the answers I could see some preference user folder, I do not see such folder in the krita program folder, neither in my user folders.It looks interesting, I managed to download the zip extract the bundle file withing, but I just extracted to desktop and then located the bundle from there and installed through the manager, I can see the deevad 8.1 bundle name when checking the preset list, but there is no brushes in there.

Carro 15 march 2017, 23:50 - Reply Hi! I have a question, I'm using Krita 3.1.1 and I tried to download this but when I went to download bundle I couldn't find the package in my downloaded files where I put it. I wonder if there is maybe a newer version that I have to update to, and if so, will my old unfinished art work not be able to open in the new version? I don't know if this made any sense, but it would be really nice if you could answer this. Thank you so much! And your art is really beautiful, I appreciate what you do.

rye-bread 30 march 2017, 01:17 - Reply does the bundle include the brushes from 8.1? because once i downloaded this last night i lost all my .1 brushes. i just deleted the files in hopes of fixing the issue but now i only have the .2 brushes and i NEED the .1 brushes. i can't find the link to .1 to redownload either

David REVOY Author, 30 may 2018, 11:56 - Reply Hi, re-download, extract the *.zip (inside there is a single *.bundle file ) Don't extract the bundle ( if you use Mac or Windows, the extractor sometime on this o.s. are bad qualities and auto assume to extract the content on multi level ; they try to extract the bundle file itself ).Keep the the bundle on your disk somewhere. Open Krita, go to ressource manager, and load the bundle from this interface.

Amalia 20 april 2019, 17:25 - Reply Hello! I have some trouble downloading the file since I'm on a mac and can't open the file, what do i do? I really want these brushes! plz help me!

David REVOY Author, 20 april 2019, 22:57 - Reply Hi Amalia; The download is ZIP file; you need to unzip it first (but I have no idea if Mac provide something to unzip by default or if you need to install an app for that). You can probably look in the documentation of your system. Good luck!

David REVOY Author, 17 june 2020, 09:00 - Reply Hi, have you tried to search "How to unzip files" in the documentation of your operating system? Here every Linux distributions I used came with a simple right-click over the file, then "extract to".You can also try to downlolad the brush not zipped; the listing of files uncompressed is here: =resources ; they finish by "bundle" but some web browser will try to display them as webpage with plenty of characters instead of starting a download...

David REVOY Author, 28 march 2021, 16:56 - Reply Hi, maybe it was a server hiccup during the minute you tried. Can you retry now?Other possibility: it's a zip file and you have a antivirus or policy in your webbrowser/operating system trying to prevent you to download zip. That's very unlikely, but it might happen one day.All my resources are on Pepper&Carrot server: =resources , more robust for this type of download (it's like thousands each day, and bandwith as unfortunately a cost...).I hope you'll find a way, let me know!

BegginerArtist 29 june 2021, 13:26 - Reply I figured it out. I was downloading the wrong file. Haha! Also, my file opener went missing for a bit so yeah that didn't help. Sorry for the trouble and thank you for your time and sharing these awesome brushes. I am super excited to use them and when I can I'm definitely donating to you! Have a good day and i wish you good luck and many days on your art journey! :D

So I downloaded this for my friends server since they are using this mod. They get in it just fine but for some reason I get thrown right into a single player game. I dont even get into the lobby and cant even choose to jump a game. I uninstalled the game and reinstalled without mods and got into the main menu just fine and was able to join games just fine but when I put these files into my 7daystodie file folder it keeps throwing me right into single player. Doesnt give me no options to choose any games and I cant even get into main menu. Any reason why it does this?

click one of the downloads, go into minecraft, go to settings, options, resource packs, open file folder, downloads, click on the top one, then click open near the name at the bottom, click yes, then click the pack you just downloaded, then click it again, then hit done.

2) Download and install SKSE. If you allready have it - great. If no - install it. It's obligatory. SKSE is [essential]. Stability mods are also working through it, as well as vast majority of amazing gameplay mods. Consider it a basic invisible evolution element of Skyrim. Make sure to download the correct version! 1.7.3 is for Skyrim LE - you don't need that at all now. If you have [exactly] the Skyrim SE version of the game (1.5.97, you can right-click on the game .exe file and see the version there) - get SKSE for 1.5.97. If you're on AE (it's still named Skyrim Special Edition in your game library, it's the .exe that differs) - get the current AE version, and VR version for VR. Download the archive somewhere, unpack it. From the folder, get the .dll, .exe files and \Data folder, and place them to your Skyrim SE/AE folder, as showed here. MO users should archive the \Data folder and install it as any other mod trough MO (you can do the same in NMM as well if you wanna). From now on, launch your game only via SKSE (skse64_loader.exe), not the game regular launcher. A general note about SKSE-based mods and what to do with them. Situation with the SE ==> AE update is different from those SE updates in past. Why so? Thing is, the problem with past SE updates was basically pretty simple and related only to the game version update itself, which was fixed by Address Library mod (further in this section). For AE, huge amount of SKSE functions themselves were changed or deleted, so for most of SKSE based mods to fully and properly work in AE, most of SKSE mods code will need to be rewritten by its author, on some scale - from just a few lines to possibly a complete rewriting from scratch, depends on the mod. That's why AE modding stage will need more time to recover then it was usually taking for SE updates in past (if ever). Remember that alternatively, you can simply mod LE for your current run, as it doesn't have this issue to begin with - and for the another run, some time will pass, and AE modding stage will be most likely recovered by then. What does this mean for those modding AE now and wanting to use SKSE-based mods? Simply look on every such mod page Files tab - if the mod is already updated for AE, there most likely will be a separate version of it, with an indication it's for AE - so, you'll need to install the AE version of the mod. Similarly, if you're on SE (not updated to AE yet) - when downloading an SKSE-based mod, make sure you're downloading the SE and not AE version of it. That's it! 041b061a72


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